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Career Webinar with Henry Yoshida for The McCombs School of Business

Career Webinar with Henry Yoshida for The McCombs School of Business

Henry Yoshida, CEO and Co-Founder of Rocket Dollar was invited to speak on The McCoombs School of Business Career Webinar. In this webinar Henry breaks down what a Self-Directed retirement account is and how it can help the average investor diversify their retirement portfolio even more.

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3 Reasons Why You Haven't Heard Of Self-Directed Accounts Before

3 Reasons Why You Haven't Heard Of Self-Directed Accounts Before

Creating a business is a lot like powering a rocket—most of the thrust happens in first few hundred feet. In business, companies usually experience...

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Questions to Ask Before You Buy a Self-Directed IRA

Questions to Ask Before You Buy a Self-Directed IRA

Rocket Dollar provides customers unparalleled access to a wide range of alternative investments, from real estate to private equity to...

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Rocket Dollar in the News

Rocket Dollar in the News

Rocket Dollar recently was the subject of a story in Ignites, a leading trade publication for the mutual fund industry. Our co-founder Henry Yoshida...

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